Art Madrid (and we're not talkin' Museo del Prado)

God Bless Art Madrid. Not only does he have a cool name, the 72 year-old retired PacBell employee and long time mayor or La Mesa, California sometimes needs special treatment. According to AP, Mesa police responded to a "911 call from around 10:30 p.m. on Feb. 20 and discovered Madrid lying on the sidewalk near the passenger side of his SUV with vomit nearby. A woman who works in the city finance department was in the driver's seat.

"The officers drove them to Madrid's home without giving them sobriety tests, prompting charges of special treatment.
The city council plans to meet Thursday to discuss the episode."

Who is this mystery woman? Was she driving, but stopped to let Art vomit and pass out? She wasn't helping him other than that? If you're having an affair with a woman at work, you'd think she'd at least stroke your hair while vomiting. Unless of course, it's just about the sex.

So many questions, so few answers. Perhaps he can help us out...

Err. Maybe not.

The town is holding a special meeting tonight to discuss the Mayor's activities. I'll post whatever follow up I can.

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